
April 26, 2024

Re-authentication and JDC integration

New Features

  • Reauthentication and Redirection: Implemented a new redirect hook to manage reauthentication and redirection efficiently within integrations.
  • JDC Integration: Added specific handling for our forthcoming JDC integration to streamline setup processes.

Enhancements & Refinements

  • Task Details View: Enabled acceptance testing for an updated task details view, improving layout consistency across different screen sizes.
  • Global Messaging: Re-introduced the global message feature to enhance user notifications across the platform.
  • Scrollbar Visibility: Fixed an issue where the top part of the scrollbar was hidden under the top panel on several pages.
  • Measure Color Mapping: Updated color mapping logic by using a map to link measures to colors, ensuring consistent color representation despite asynchronous data fetching.


  • Process Analysis Component:
    • Switched from Mantine to React for the local storage hook, enhancing performance and stability.
  • ADO Integration: Refactored Azure DevOps component logic for better performance and reliability during integration processes.
  • String Handling: Moved the sanitize function for broader use, ensuring special characters and emojis are handled correctly across different tables.

Style Adjustments

  • Visual Presentation: Improved the layout widths of various components to enhance the visual presentation on the platform.
  • Breadcrumb Text: Increased line height in bread crumb styling to prevent text cropping at certain zoom levels and screen resolutions.

Bug Fixes

  • Process Analysis Measures Comparison Chart: Resolved an issue where entities without months’ data were skipped erroneously.
  • Measure Comparison Component: Fixed inconsistent color assignments in the measure comparison charts by introducing a new constant.
  • Initiative Deletion Notification: Corrected a bug where a success message reappeared after refreshing the page post-initiative deletion.

Backend Updates

  • Node Name Retrieval: Enhanced our sprints graphs for more flexible and efficient graph pruning.


  • Added logging for Process Analysis to facilitate debugging and monitoring of component states.

We are committed to continuously improving Bloomfilter to serve your needs better. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions or issues.