Use Cases

Team Management

Get access to the data, metrics, and trends you need to make managerial decisions based on facts, not feelings.

Metric Card Icon

Delivery Confidence

Instantly gauge the likelihood of a project being delivered on-time

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Task Acceptance Rate

See when committed tasks for a project fall beneath a threshold

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Sprint Consistency

Identify when sprints are not starting on same days of week

Real-time Demo

See it in action

Simplify the paths to team success

Team Management

Eliminate holdups, hiccups, and hangups

Spot the unseen obstacles, from priority shifts to capacity overloads, that are slowing down your team. Then take action to clear them away.

Team Management

Keep teams on task

Seamlessly integrate your strategic goals within your operational workflow to ensure every team stays focused on the most important priorities of the business.

Team Management

Analyze your development workflow

Get multiple measures for all your projects, enabling you to gain strategic insights that help you break bottlenecks and accelerate delivery.